How to Activate Employees on Responsible Business - Business in the Community

How to Activate Employees on Responsible Business

This Business in the Community (BITC) toolkit identifies the Six Catalysts of Responsible Business, and how companies can activate employees at every level to bring about change.

How to Activate Employees on Responsible Business

This Business in the Community (BITC) toolkit highlights the greatest barriers and drivers of responsible business and identifies the Six Catalysts of Responsible Business – actions that will accelerate, scale and perpetuate sustainable and inclusive actions to meet the UN’s Global Goals by 2030.

    Creating a culture of responsibility

    The toolkit, supported by JTI UK, an international tobacco and vaping company focused on innovation and sustainability, includes insights and tips for responsible business practitioners. These include activating employees at every level for faster, bolder corporate action. It includes creating a culture of responsibility so that everybody takes action and accountability to bring about positive change.

    A case study profiling Electricity Northwest (ENWL) amongst other BITC members featured tells how ENWL has activated its employees via a top-down, bottom-up approach. In another case study, Anglian Water demonstrates how it realised corporate language was hindering stakeholder relationships. It held workshops on net zero with employees to hear and listen to diverse voices. As a result of the workshops, a network has been created to ensure Anglian Water can advocate for the issues its employees are most passionate about.

    Why we need to act now

    The evidence is clear – there is insufficient progress on the Global Goals, also known as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals1, and businesses need to act if the objectives are to be met.

    Led by our Global Goals Leadership Team, BITC is working to dramatically increase the pace and scale of responsible business, in order to meet the Goals.

    Whatever issue, ESG (environment, social or governance), sustainability topic or specific Global Goal your business focuses on, we can help your organisation be faster, braver and bolder. We will help your organisation accelerate its progress to becoming a more responsible business. Together we will create positive change. 

    Next steps


    Learn more about the importance of employee activation through these short, informative videos.



    1 The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 (7 July 2022).