Tracy Jones - Business in the Community
Tracy Jones smiling at the camera.

Tracy Jones

Responsible Business Partner

Blaser Mills Law
South East Leadership Board

Tracy Jones is the Responsible Business Partner at Blaser Mills Law, a Commercial and Private services law firm with five offices in the South East.

Tracy has worked with stakeholders of Blaser Mills Law to create a Responsible Business Strategy and Purpose, and is now responsible for its execution.

With over 20 years’ experience as a lawyer, Tracy’s insight of law firm culture has led her to feel passionately that employers have a responsibility to foster an environment where colleagues feel valued, safe and supported.

Colleagues at Blaser Mills Law work together to foster an inclusive environment, with many employee led groups and initiatives established. Data collected confirms the positive impact of this work, with increased colleague engagement, increased feelings of being treated with “fairness and respect”, reduced absence and reduced attrition.

Alongside internal initiatives, the firm have established numerous community partnerships, with the goal of making long-term impact on some of the social issues present in the firm’s communities. Colleagues from Blaser Mills Law are at the heart of these relationships, co-creating and executing action plans.

Tracy is a huge advocate of Business in the Community (BITC) and encourages businesses to engage with the charity to learn the most up to date thinking around responsible business. She finds great value in being part of the South East Leadership Board, learning how different businesses deal with challenges. She believes that collaboration is the key to success and is always excited by the possibility of the collective influence of the Board to shape the future landscape.