BITC Job Coaching – Resources for Referral Partners - Business in the Community

BITC Job Coaching – Resources for Referral Partners

Welcome to Business in the Community’s (BITC’s) job coaching resources page where you can find everything you need as a referral partner.

BITC job coaching is designed for jobseekers to improve their chances of a successful job outcome. It comprises in-depth and tailored one-to-one support delivered by business volunteers to help in the following areas:

  • Developing essential and digital skills.
  • Increased knowledge of the job market and skills to progress towards employment.
  • Opening new perspectives on the options that exist.
  • Enhanced wellbeing and resilience to stay positive and connected to the world of work.

The programme mobilises employees at our member businesses who volunteer to become coaches and offers a minimum of six one-to-one coaching sessions.

Jobseekers access the programme by referral from one of our partner organisations.

BITC’s Job Coaching platform

The Job Coaching platform refers jobseekers to BITC’s job coaching programme. The referral process is straightforward and takes just a few minutes to be completed by an adviser or via self-referral. It will ask for the name and contact details of the referring organisation.

Working with BITC

BITC Job Coaching offers a free and distinctive way to enhance your current employment service. How we will work with you:

  • BITC will support and brief your staff on referral processes, eligibility criteria and programme expectations.
  • Our team will work with you to connect your clients with trained business volunteer coaches.
  • Onboarding, training, and management of the business volunteers who are providing the coaching is managed by BITC to ensure jobseekers are supported effectively.
  • Throughout the process we will collate and share impact and evaluation data around success and outcomes.

Contact the team

Email the Programmes Team who are ready to help with any questions, queries or requests for support in relation to BITC Job Coaching.

Case studies

Learn more about the impact that job coaching can have for community organisations and the participants they support:


For organisations considering partnership

  • Introductory slide deck
    Browse through for background information with details about becoming a referral partner.
  • Terms and conditions
    Review our framework for partnerships covering ways of working, safeguarding and data protection.

Resources for staff training

  • Video briefing
    Use our 15-minute video introduction for your team to view independently or as a group at a time that suits. Please note, this video is up to date as of February 2023. Check with the coaching team for the latest information.
  • Slide deck
    Use these slides to deliver your own in-house training session to your team.
  • Referral instructions
    Download these instructions for more detailed guidance on completing a referral.

Resources for introducing your clients

Job coaching case studies

Better Through Total Collaboration Creates a Lasting Legacy
BTTC logo - blue text on white background
Hydrock: Empowering people through Job Coaching
Hydrock logo
San Finds Employment and Friendship with AXA UK Job Coach
AXA logo