Celebrating our 2023-24 Mentors - Business in the Community

Celebrating our 2023-24 Mentors

Post author image. Guest Editor
Celebrating the dedication and commitment of the mentors taking part in Business in the Community’s (BITC) Cross-Organsational Mentoring Circles programme.

As the 12th cohort of our Cross-Organisational Mentoring Circles programme comes to an end, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the commitment and dedication demonstrated by our mentors throughout.

The aim of our Cross-Organisational Mentoring Circles programme is to support employers with Commitment Five of our Race at Work Charter, ensuring that Black, Asian, Mixed-Race and other ethnically diverse employees have a wide variety of opportunities to progress within their workplace. The ongoing success of our programme relies heavily on our mentors, who generously give their time, expertise, and guidance to the upcoming workforce. We value the fact that our mentors come from a wide range of backgrounds, each bringing their own unique perspectives and experiences to the table.

Our mentor provided all of us mentees with the space to confidently speak and share ideas which has helped me immensely as I progress in my career.

Mentee from the 2023-34 programme

Our 2023-24 cohort have gone above and beyond, providing invaluable support to their mentees, fostering their professional growth and helping them navigate the complexities of their careers. Their commitment towards the progression of ethnically diverse colleagues is truly commendable and we’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for their participation. We are pleased to share that our mentors reported positive benefits after participating in the programme, including furthering their understanding of the challenges faced by ethnically diverse employees in the workplace, leadership and coaching skills and enhanced visibility and professional reputation.

My mentor was supportive and was a great listener who put in a lot of effort to organise each meeting to ensure they cover things we wanted and for it to be an interactive session.

Mentee from the 2023-24 programme

2023-24 Mentors

  • Preeti Tanakanti, Information Technology Department Manager, Enterprise
  • Shannon Rivers, Head of Inclusion and Wellbeing Advisory, Business in the Community
  • Shradha Patel, Head of Regulatory Liaison, UK Compliance & Financial Crime, AXA UK
  • Sonia Sudhakar, Managing Director Marketing and Digital, Royal Mail
  • Victoria White, Head of Human Resources and Development, Sport England

Get involved

 If you would like to get involved in the next cohort of mentoring circles, the deadline to register is the 30 June. Please fill out our form and we will be in touch shortly.

Together, we can continue to drive positive change to support ethnically diverse employees’ career progression.