Deborah Hubscher - Business in the Community
Deborah Hubscher

Deborah Hubscher

General Manager of E-Commerce and Customer Centricity

Gender Equality Leadership Team

Deborah Hubscher is the General Manager of E-commerce and Customer Centricity at Shell. She oversees Shell MarketHub, the company’s B2B E-commerce portal. With 20 years of international commercial and strategy experience, she is passionate about leveraging technology to address business challenges.

Throughout her career, Deborah has actively mentored and supported numerous women within her organisation. She recently assumed the position of Chair of the Balance Network at Shell UK, an organization dedicated to promoting gender balance across the company. The Balance Network works closely with HR to drive the diversity/gender equality agenda. Its aims are to promote learning, career progression and connection among its members.

Originally from Italy, Deborah now resides in London with her partner and son.