Opening Doors Forum: Beyond Ban the Box - Business in the Community
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Opening Doors Forum: Beyond Ban the Box

Jul 16
Date and time
Tue, 16 July  @  14:00  -  15:00
Free of charge
Open to BITC members and non-members
Reserve your place

Tue, 16 July 2024  @  14:00  –  15:00

Join peers to share your challenges, learnings, experiences and best practice on inclusive recruitment.

This is a virtual event.


Open to both members and non-members of Business in the Community (BITC). This event would be of interest to anyone who is willing to give people with convictions a fair chance to secure good work.


Creating meaningful employment is one of the most significant ways that businesses can contribute to the livelihoods of individuals and communities, and is, for many the only sustainable route out of poverty.

Offering quality work experience, adopting inclusive approaches to recruitment, and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit businesses by helping them tackle skills shortages, build new talent pipelines, boost retention rates and achieve higher productivity.

BITC is calling on employers to commit to making their jobs more accessible to diverse talent by committing to take action through our Opening Doors inclusive recruitment campaign.

About the event

Join the next webinar in our Opening Doors series, which will focus on how employers can support people with convictions into work. Hot on the heels of the launch of the Fair Chance Charter, which requires signatories to commit to Ban the Box in order to reach Gold standard. We will be co-hosting the event with the Fair Chance Business Alliance to understand what some of the stumbling blocks are for employers when it comes to recruiting people with experience of the criminal justice system, and – crucially – how they can overcome them.

Join to:

  • Hear directly from people with lived experience of the criminal justice system about the difference employment has made to their lives.
  • Learn from leading businesses about how they’ve benefitted from opening their doors to ex-offenders.
  • Exchange ideas with your peers about how you make inclusive recruitment work for your business.

Understand how employers are benefitting from intentional inclusion through the UKs first Employment Charter for recruiting and progressing people with criminal reco

Booking and contact details and further information

Find out how your organisation can become a member of Business in the Community


Open to BITC members and non-members

Event Type
