Opening Doors Forum: Supporting Young People Into Work

Tue, 13 May @ 14:00 – 15:00

This is an online event.
Open to both members and non-members of Business in the Community (BITC). This event would be of interest to employers seeking to support young people of diverse backgrounds into work.
Inclusive recruitment is more than a moral imperative, it’s becoming a business imperative. Businesses that succeed will benefit from a larger, more diverse talent pool, increased innovation, and improved employee retention. Research from the Boston Consulting Group found that organisations with above-average diversity levels generate 19% points more revenue from innovation (BCG, 2018).
Compared to other forms of discrimination, ethnic discrimination presents the biggest barrier for young people entering work, with three in ten ethnically diverse NEET young people citing discrimination as their biggest barrier to work (YFF). With recent data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing almost 1 million young people aged 16 to 24 in the UK not in education, employment, or training (NEET) and significant disparities in NEET levels by racial group (Black Caribbean young people are twice as likely as White young people to be NEET, YFF), this session will explore insights on why and how businesses can support young ethnic minority people in their transition into the workforce, ensuring that recruitment processes are inclusive and accessible for all.
About the event
In this year’s Black Inclusion Week, join us for an insightful webinar designed for talent acquisition leads, hiring managers and business leaders committed to building inclusive workplaces. Participants will share challenges, learnings, and best practices on supporting young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) into the workforce. The session will provide the chance to:
- Gain best practice insights from businesses leading on effective strategies for reaching, attracting and recruiting young ethnic minority people into your workforce.
- Learn from leading businesses about how they create inclusive opportunities for young talent.
- Engage in discussions on the challenges and opportunities of recruiting and retaining young, diverse talent.
Guest speaker
Speaker to be confirmed.
Booking and contact details and further information
- Contact events@bitc.org.uk for any further questions.
- Full joining instructions will be sent before the event.
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