Why now is the time to start your net zero carbon journey
This factsheet, Why now is the time to start your net zero carbon journey examines the unprecedented opportunities available today to tackle the climate emergency as governments begin the process of restarting economies.
What is net zero?
Net zero is the balance between the production of man made greenhouse gases (GHGs) from sources (such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation and refrigerant gases) and the capture in “sinks” (for example, forests, soil the ocean and negative emission technologies).
The business case for rapid action is growing
Insights from BITC’s Responsible Business Tracker® show that net zero carbon is a significant, material issue for business, second only to health and wellbeing in terms of priority.
- 59% of participants identify risks and opportunities related to their carbon reduction strategy
- 47% of participants set objectives, targets and key performance indicators to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their carbon reduction strategy
- Only 41% of respondents govern the issue at the highest level of the organisation. This is worrying, when considering that more than half of the participants operate in sectors that are perceived to be at the highest risk from climate change
Public concern is increasing
We know that the public wants a radical response to the climate crisis, enacted with the same urgency as the response to COVID-19 . Much of the demand is coming from young people, worried about the world they will inherit. The pressure they are exerting directly and through their parents is likely to grow.
This factsheet, Why now is the time to start your net zero carbon journey reviews the issues through the following topics.
- government action
- investor pressure
- economic opportunities
- boosting productivity
Business in the Community is innovating to sustain and repair our planet.