Fact Sheets - Page 5 of 8 - Business in the Community

Fact Sheets

Explore a comprehensive collection of informative factsheets on various topics related to sustainability, community engagement, and responsible business practices by Business in the Community
74 results
Fact Sheets

Challenges and Opportunities of Lifelong Learning

This Business in the Community (BITC) factsheet highlights the challenges to implementing lifelong learning and what is currently working well.
Fact Sheets

How Businesses Can Support Survivors of Modern Slavery

This member only factsheet provides practical interventions to effectively support organisations that work with survivors of modern slavery.
Fact Sheets

Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

This factsheet defines climate related risks, explains what is required by the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and outlines the business benefits of sharing this information.
Fact Sheets

How Can Corporate Procurement Tackle the Climate Crisis?

This factsheet sets out how Chief Procurement Officers (CPO) and procurement leaders can support their businesses to act on climate change.
Fact Sheets

An Introduction To Responsible Investment *

An Introduction To Responsible Investment provides information on the most important aspects of responsible investment for sustainability practitioners. It is only available to BITC members.