Windrush Generation at the Top 2023
Black Talent Scorecard
In 2023, as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Windrush generation coming to the UK to help the country to rebuild following the Second World War, there is still less than 2% of people at senior levels from Black African or Caribbean backgrounds in key sectors including education, policing and in business industries.
Using ONS data published in November 2022 our Regional Insights on Race Factsheets found that 4% of the population in England and Wales is from a Black African or Black Caribbean background.
The Windrush generation
The Windrush at the top – Black Talent Scorecard demonstrates that whilst some progress has been made since the early days of Windrush, a step change in action is needed to enable the UK to keep pace with the working-age population, tap into the rich pool of talent and to inspire the next generation of employees, academics, business leaders and entrepreneurs.

The history of Windrush
On 22 June 1948, the HMT Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks in the UK with people from Jamaica and other British Commonwealth Caribbean islands. They had been invited to work in the UK to help rebuild its infrastructure and services following the devastating impact of the Second World War. People came to address the labour shortage in manufacturing, health and transport services. This migration was to span a 20-year period where young people from the Commonwealth Caribbean islands arrived in the UK to work.