Joe Brownless is Chief Customer Officer at not-for-profit housing provider, Orbit. He oversees all elements of Orbit’s customer experience, including leading the development of a new customer journey as part of Orbit’s 2030 strategy. This includes collaborating with customers to shape services, championing the customer voice and providing a range of services to help customers maximise their potential and maintain their tenancies, including via Orbit’s sector-leading Better Days programme. Joe is also passionate about ensuring Orbit maximises the social value it delivers to enable it to make a positive difference to its customers and society.
Joe’s previous experience includes working with renowned brands such as NatWest, Telefonica, Tesco, and Mars, both in the UK and internationally. He brings a wealth of experience in transformation programmes to improve customer experience and the creation of purpose-led cultures.
Joe says: “I am delighted to represent Orbit as part of Business in the Community’s Norwich Place Programme. As a not-for-profit housing provider with 701 homes in and around Norwich, we are passionate about helping to drive meaningful change that will enable our communities, and those that live in them, to thrive. It’s wonderful to be part of a programme comprised of like-minded organisations and individuals that share the same passion for not only inspiring positive and purposeful change, but actively facilitating the action needed to drive good themselves.”