Just Transition - Business in the Community

Just Transition

Just Transition

Through the Just Transition Collaboratory (Co-Lab) we support businesses to go beyond net zero, and address social, environmental and economic challenges in a integrated and holistic way.

Achieving a new zero carbon, resilient future is urgent and critically important for every business. But doing so in a way that creates opportunities for people, regenerates communities and restores the health of nature is equally important.

Business in the Community (BITC) helps businesses and communities come together to design and deliver that future, build the skills needed and find innovative ways to address shared challenges.

Did you know…?

Our new campaign ‘Upskilling the UK for a just transition’ aims to empower different groups to accelerate a fair and inclusive journey to a net zero, resilient future, going beyond specific ‘green jobs’ needed to deliver the transition.

• Leaders: Translate climate ambitions into action.

• Sustainability professionals: Move from compliance to transformation agents.

• Individuals: Build the skills and confidence for the changing job market.

BITC Labs are a place to bring people together to work on shared challenges in real time, facilitating peer learning and sharing the insights and lessons needed to help others avoid pitfalls and progress faster.

Green Skills Lab

This lab enabled companies to develop and implement their own green skills plans, identifying how skills needs might change and help their current and future workplaces to adapt to succeed. 

Circular Fitout Lab

The Circular Fitout Lab fostered collaboration across organisations on the topic of reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact in office and in retail projects across the UK.

Nature & Resilience Learning Group

This Insight Series is an action-learning programme to help you consider your business’s impact and dependencies on nature and the risks of the changing climate across your value chain.

The Just Transition Self-Assessor

The Just Transition Self-Assessor will enable companies to understand what a just transition means for them and how to create their own just transition journey. 

Map your climate plans and identify gaps to ensure a just transition for your people and the planet. Get tailored guidance, join a supportive community, and upskill your workforce. 

Express your interest now in taking part. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

BITC defines a just transition as being “a fair and inclusive journey to a net-zero, resilient future where people and nature thrive.” Businesses must design this future with diverse stakeholders; create economic opportunities and equip people to access them and actively regenerate communities and nature. 

Originating in the international labour movement, the term ‘just transition’ is increasingly being used by environmental and social justice movements and across governments. Just transition principles have been adopted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the landmark Paris Agreement. Taking action to ensure that the transition to net zero is fair and just is essential to build the social and political capital that is needed to achieve net zero. 

Climate action refers to activities by businesses, governments, communities, and individuals that reduce greenhouse gasses to limit climate change (known as mitigation), as well as activities that reduce the negative impacts of climate change by improving resilience (known as adaptation).

Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that’s produced and the amount that’s removed from the atmosphere. It can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal.

There are a number of examples of how BITC members have taken climate action available in the case study section of our website. There are also a number of impact stories available in our guides, factsheets, and reports, including in the Climate Action Routemaps. 

The Seven Steps for Just Transition shows how businesses can deliver a just and fair transition to a resilient, net-zero future. The steps will help organisations ensure their business model is climate-proof and contribute to a future where people and nature can thrive. Taking these steps will also support in creating value and enhance the prosperity of employees, customers, suppliers and communities. Our Climate Action Routemaps further support business to action the steps of Building Green Skills, Involving Diverse Stakeholders with Climate Action, and Embracing Circular Economy Practices. 

Get in touch with a member of our team to see which of our opportunities would be most suitable.Â