Nadia Dabbagh-Hobrow - Business in the Community
Nadia Dabbagh-Hobrow

Nadia Dabbagh-Hobrow


West Midlands Leadership Board

Nadia Dabbagh-Hobrow is a partner at KPMG and is the Head of Pensions Assurance in the UK, she is based in KPMG’s Birmingham office. Nadia is a qualified Chartered Certified Accountant and has worked at KPMG for over 27 years.

Nadia provides audit and assurance services to a number of large pension schemes in the UK and regularly lectures on industry specific training courses and internal training courses.

Outside of audited entity work Nadia leads KPMG’s Midlands Inclusion and Diversity team. In this role she oversees all aspects of Inclusion and Diversity in the region leading the networks, steering committee and capability groups and working alongside the Talent and CSR teams.