Age - Page 2 of 3 - Business in the Community


Business in the Community (BITC) supports employers to respond effectively to the ageing population and the needs of older workers and to leverage the benefits of effective intergenerational working.

Compared to gender, race or disability, age is often neglected as a diversity issue. Under the Equality Act 2010, employers have the same responsibilities and legal obligations in relation to age as to any other protected characteristics. However, our surveys and other evidence suggest many employers and individuals do not yet approach age discrimination in the same way.

If you are a BITC member and want to unlock the benefits of multigeneration teams contact your Relationship Manager.

If you are not a BITC member, find out about the benefits of joining the Prince’s Responsible Business Network or contact our Advisory Services Team.

24 results
Fact Sheets

Age and Mental Health at Work

This factsheet highlights insights from BITC’s Mental Health at Work Report 2019, relating to different ages and stages of our lives.

An ageing workforce in the digital era: older workers, technology and skills

The Missing Link: An ageing workforce in the digital era provides an insight into older workers’ attitudes towards skills, training and automation.

How to Deliver Mid-Life Career Reviews: a human resources guide

This Business in the Community (BITC) toolkit is a Human Resources guide for implementing and managing a mid-life career review for older workers.

Mid-life Career Reviews – a guide for line managers

This Business in the Community (BITC) toolkit is a guide for line managers to implement and manage a mid-life career review for older workers.