Employment and Skills - Page 7 of 11 - Business in the Community

Employment and Skills

Business in the Community (BITC) enables businesses to create the conditions for every person to achieve a successful and rewarding working life. To achieve this, business needs to consider how they prepare people for the workplace through education and ensure they are creating good jobs that are accessible to all.

There are two strands to BITC’s employment and skills work. Education, where BITC supports organisations to help people transition into the jobs of the future; and inclusive employment and good work, with BITC working with businesses to ensure good jobs are accessible to all; increasing levels of pay and ensuring good terms and conditions of all employment.

Find out more about Business in the Community’s work on employment and skills.

Employment and Skills sit under Healthy Communities, one part of BITC’s Responsible Business MapTM, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the responsible business agenda.

Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses that look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.

Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

103 results
Fact Sheets

Challenges and Opportunities of Lifelong Learning

This Business in the Community (BITC) factsheet highlights the challenges to implementing lifelong learning and what is currently working well.

The Mid-Life MOT: helping employees navigate mid-life

This toolkit provides HR and other senior managers with tools and insights to support a growing older workforce.
Case Studies

Deloitte: supporting refugees through career conversations

Across the UK, Deloitte holds career conversations with displaced refugees, providing support and advice, building skills, and creating new pathways to employment.

How to Inspire, Hire and Grow Diverse Talent

Providing practical guidance to help businesses inspire future talent, develop inclusive recruitment processes , this toolkit also shares support to develop an enabling work environment to help employees thrive.