Healthy_Communities - Page 2 of 26 - Business in the Community


Business in the Community’s (BITC) Healthy Communities focus is about influencing responsible business practices that make jobs accessible and attractive to all. Once people are in post employers need to ensure they are healthy, happy and engaged.
They should feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and are able to be their true selves.
Healthy Communities is one part of BITC’s Responsible Business MapTM, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.
Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

256 results

Business Response Forum: Civil Unrest in Communities

BITC will be holding an online forum for members in response to the disorder we have seen erupt in some of our local communities.

Getting Started with Skills-Based Volunteering Toolkit

This toolkit aims to facilitate better understanding and engagement between business volunteers and charities.