Healthy_Business - Business in the Community


To be a responsible business, organisations need to be underpinned by responsible governance and transparency. These need to be accompanied by leadership at every level.
Healthy Businesses is at the centre of BITC’s Responsible Business Map, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.
Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

237 results

Lifting up the UK: State of the Nation 2024

This report encapsulates the perspectives of CEOs from across the UKā€™s 450 largest companies, offering an in-depth analysis of the current and future state of responsible business in our nation.

Getting Started with Skills-Based Volunteering Toolkit

This toolkit aims to facilitate better understanding and engagement between business volunteers and charities.
Case Studies

Hydrock: Empowering people through Job Coaching

How Hydrock, which is now part of Stantec, used Business in the Community’s (BITC) flagship job coaching programme to fulfil its promises to its people and communities.