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To be a responsible business, organisations need to be underpinned by responsible governance and transparency. These need to be accompanied by leadership at every level.
Healthy Businesses is at the centre of BITC’s Responsible Business Map, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.
Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

237 results
Case Studies

Henry Boot: creating a responsible business strategy

Learn how Henry Boot built an overarching responsible business strategy with the help of Business in the Community (BITC).
Case Studies

Making Work Work: EDF,jobs and training for communities

EDF, the country’s biggest generator of zero carbon electricity, is bringing long-term socio-economic benefits to communities around its sites as it leads a net zero transition.
Case Studies

Crown Workspace Embraced Failure to Change Business Model

Crown Workspace changed into business model with a total skills overhaul starting with the board, in a bid to develop a more sustainable offering.
Case Studies

BNP Paribas: getting everyone to base camp on climate

How BNP Paribas developed the skills for a Just Transition by engaging its employees on its sustainability journey.
Case Studies

The Watches of Switzerland Group is Making Work Work

The Watches of Switzerland Group is wowing clients while also caring for its colleagues, communities and the planet.
Fact Sheets

Rebooting Lifelong Learning For a Skilled Workforce

This factsheet collates key statistics to show employer investment in lifelong learning. It sets out what is happening right now and what will happen if businesses do not reboot their approaches to lifelong learning.