Healthy_Business - Page 19 of 24 - Business in the Community


To be a responsible business, organisations need to be underpinned by responsible governance and transparency. These need to be accompanied by leadership at every level.
Healthy Businesses is at the centre of BITC’s Responsible Business Map, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.
Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

237 results
Case Studies

Making Work Work: responsible recruitment at Noble Foods

After facing recruitment challenges in 2021, Noble Foods Ltd took a new approach to recruitment and considered widening opportunities in the local community.
Case Studies

Making Work Work: climate action at EDF

EDF is leading the transition to a cleaner, lower-carbon energy system, with the goal of becoming a net zero company by 2050.
Case Studies

Southern Co-op win Queens Award for Sustainable Development

Long-standing Business in the Community (BITC) member, Southern Co-op, is presented with the prestigious Queens Award for Enterprise.
Case Studies

Making Work Work: Unum and BITC

This case study records how Unum UK utilised BITC support, resources and expertise, to help embed its Responsible Business culture.
Case Studies

Natwest Group: creating a culture that empowers men to care

Natwest Group has recently made significant changes to its parental leave policies that promote gender equality.
Case Studies

Making Work Work: Orbit’s responsible business journey

Case Studies

Keenan Recycling: Setting an example for small businesses

Learn how Business in the Community (BITC) has supported small business, Keenan Recycling, to help lead the responsible business movement with a robust Net Zero plan.
Fact Sheets

UK Employment and Socio-economic Factors by Ethnic Group

This Business in the Community (BITC) factsheet will help employers better examine where the pay disparities for different ethnic groups may occur within their workplaces.