Healthy_Business - Page 4 of 29 - Business in the Community


To be a responsible business, organisations need to be underpinned by responsible governance and transparency. These need to be accompanied by leadership at every level.
Healthy Businesses is at the centre of BITC’s Responsible Business Map, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.
Learn more about joining Business in the Community.

285 results

Managing Menopause: Businesses taking action in 2024

Angela Watson is the Age Manager at Business in the Community (BITC). She explains why World Menopause Day should matter to businesses and what they can do.
Case Studies

Sky’s Procurement Strategy: Driving Supplier Diversity

Sky launched their Inclusive Procurement Strategy in 2021, with a mission to create an inclusive supply chain that provides a level playing field and equal opportunities for all qualified suppliers.

Opening Doors: unlocking talent to improve productivity

Ola Kolade is the Employment and Skills Director at Business in the Community (BITC), leading on our work in Education, Employment and Skills. He explains how Opening Doors can improve productivity.