Race Equality - Business in the Community

Race Equality

The Race at Work campaign was established by King Charles 111  in 1995 with the support of key business leaders.

Action by employers could boost the UK economy and lead to increased productivity and returns in the workplace. However, these potential gains are being stifled by the barriers faced by the ethnically diverse talent in the workplace.

Business in the Community (BITC) is committed to empowering employers to tap into this economic potential by accelerating change for ethnically diverse employees. We work with our network of private and public sector partners to offer tailored practical advice and share new insights to drive long-term change. We are also calling on the government to mandate ethnicity pay gap reporting.

We ask organisations to commit to the seven calls to action that form the Race at Work Charter, to help improve equality of opportunity in the workplace.

Find out more about Business in the Community’s work on race equality in the workplace. 

80 results

Supporting ethnically diverse employees with the Living Wage

BITC Race Director Sandra Kerr CBE, speaks on the reality of UK employees earning below the real Living Wage.
Case Studies

Sky’s Procurement Strategy: Driving Supplier Diversity

Sky launched their Inclusive Procurement Strategy in 2021, with a mission to create an inclusive supply chain that provides a level playing field and equal opportunities for all qualified suppliers.