Race at Work Charter Signatories
View the list of Race at Work Charter signatories. Organisations that have committed to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace.
About the Race at Work Charter
The Race At Work Charter asks businesses to make a public commitment to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace. In 2017 The government-sponsored Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review found that Black, Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse people staff still encounter significant disparities in employment and progression and that greater progress and positive outcomes are needed to ensure all organisations benefit from the wealth of diverse talent on offer. BITC’s Race at Work 2018: The Scorecard Report was published one year after the McGregor-Smith Review to look at how UK employers performed against the recommendations outlined in the review.
The findings led BITC to create the Race at Work Charter, with five calls to action to improve race equality, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. In 2021, the Charter was expanded to include allyship and inclusive supply chain commitments, meaning signatory organisations are now asked to make seven commitments.


D2 | Gama Aviation | Pick Everard |
300 North | Gamesys Group PLC | Pinsent Masons LLP |
4myschools Education Recruitment | Gary Linton Services International LTD (GLSI) | Pizza Express |
A F Blakemore & Son LTD | Gate One | Place2Be |
Abel & Cole | GatenbySanderson | PLADIS |
abrdn | GB3 | Planning Inspectorate |
Acas | GCHQ | Platinum Facilities & Maintenance Services LTD |
Accenture | General Mills UK | Police Now |
AceOn Group | Genome Research LTD | Police Service of Northern Ireland |
ACS | Gilbert-Ash LTD | Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Essex |
Action for Children | Gloucester City Council | Portico Corporate Reception Management LTD |
Action for Race Equality (ARE) | Gloucestershire County Council | Post Office |
Active Humber | Goldman Sachs | Precedo Healthcare Services |
ACTSO (Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers) | Prima Cheese LTD | |
Adare SEC | Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA) | Prime People |
AdEPT Technology Group PLC | Government Legal Department | Primeast |
Admiral Group PLC | Gowling WLG | Princes Limited |
Advanced Research and Invention Agency | GPE | Principality Building Society |
Adversa Recruitment LTD | Grant Thornton UK LLP | Procter & Gamble UK |
Aegon Asset Management | Greater London Authority | Professional Cricketers Association |
Aegon UK | Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership | Prospectus |
Age UK | Greene King | Prostate Cancer UK |
Ageas Insurance | Greggs | Proven Project Construction Ltd |
AIG Life LTD | Grosvenor | Providor |
AIG UK LTD | Ground Control LTD | PSI Talent Management |
Aiimi | GSA Capital | Public Health England |
Air Products | GSK | Publicis Groupe UK |
Aix Capital Holdings LTD | GSMA | Punter Southall Aspire |
Aker Systems LTD | Guardian Media Group | Purplebricks Group |
Akhter Computers LTD | Gunnercooke LLP | Putteridge High School |
Aldermore Group | Gympass | PwC |
Aldersgate Group | Gymshark LTD | QA LTD |
ALDI Stores LTD | H2O Nationwide | QBE European Operations |
Alexander Group | Hachette UK | Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust |
Allianz Insurance PLC | Hargreaves Lansdown | Quilter PLC |
Allstate | HarperCollins Publishers | Qwest Services |
Alphabet | Harrow Council | Radioactive Waste Management |
Alpkit | Havas UK | Raleigh Learning Trust |
Amazon | Headlam Group PLC | Ramboll UK |
Ambient People | Health & Safety Executive | Randstad UK |
American Express | Health Assured LTD | Raytheon UK |
Amey PLC | Health Education England | Razor LTD |
Amplifi Europe | Health Research Authority | Reach PLC |
Anchor | HEARST UK | Reach South Academy Trust |
Andron Facilities Management | Heart of Kent Hospice | Reading Borough Council |
Anglian Water Group | HEINEKEN UK | Reckitt |
Anglo American | Hertfordshire Police | Reconomy |
Aon PLC | HFL Education | Record Currency Management |
Appreciate Group PLC | High Speed Two LTD (HS2) | Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) |
AQA | Highways England | RedRock Consulting |
Aquila Learning | Hilton | Reed |
Arden University | Hiscox UK | Reed Exhibitions |
Armstrong Craven LTD | HM Land Registry | Reed in Partnership |
Arthur J. Gallagher | HM Prison & Probation Service | Reed Specialist Recruitment |
ARUP | HM Revenue & Customs | Reed Wellbeing |
ASD Limited | HM Treasury (HMT) | Regular Cleaning |
ASDA Stores LTD | HML Group | Regulator of Social Housing |
ASOS PLC | Hodge | RELX Group |
Association of Accounting Technicians | Hodge Jones & Allen (HJA) Solicitors LTD | ResourceiT Consulting LTD |
Association of British Insurers | Hodge Jones & Allen LLP | Rethink Mental Illness |
Assura PLC | Hogan Lovells International LLP | Retinue Solutions |
Assurant | Home - Start UK | Revolent Group |
AstraZeneca | Home Group | Reward Gateway |
ASTUCO LTD | Home Office (HO) | Rhondda Cynon Taf Council |
Atkins member of the SNC-Lavalin group | Homecare Services (Bury) | Ricardo Energy & Environment |
Atkore | Homes for Lambeth | Ricoh UK |
Atos | HomeServe Membership LTD | Ridgeway Partners LTD |
Auto Trader UK | Horwich Farrelly Solicitors | Ritz Recruitment |
AVALERE HEALTH | Hotel Chocolat | Riverside Group |
Avanade UK LTD | House of Commons and Digital Service | Rocking Horse Pictures LTD |
Avanti Architects LTD | House of Lords | Rowe IT |
AVEVA | Houses of Parliament | Royal Academy of Engineering |
AVIVA | Houses of Parliament Restoration & Renewal | Royal Air Force |
Avove | Hoxby | Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) |
Avyse Partners | HSBC UK | Royal Bank of Canada |
AWE | HTA Design LLP | Royal Borough of Greenwich |
AXA UK & Ireland | Hudson RPO | Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea |
AXA XL | Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) | Royal Botanic Gardens Kew |
Axis Europe PLC | Human Tissue Authority | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
B&Q | Hutchinson 3G LTD (Three UK) | Royal London Group |
Babcock International Group | IBM Client Innovation Centre UK | Royal Mail Group |
Bain & Company | IBM UK LTD | Royal Mencap Society |
Baker McKenzie | ICP NURSERIES LTD | Royal Navy |
BAM Nuttall LTD | Immediate Future LTD | Royal Society for Public Health |
BAM UK & Ireland | Impact Creative Recruitment LTD | Royal Yachting Association |
Bank of America | Impax Asset Management | RPC LLP |
Bank of England | Incyte International LTD | RS Group |
Bank of Ireland | Independent Office for Police Conduct | RSA Insurance Group LTD |
Bank of Nova Scotia | Infraco Consulting | RSM |
Barclays | Ingeus LTD | RUK Advanced Systems |
Baringa Partners | Inicio Group LTD | Saatchi & Saatchi |
Barnardo's | Insight Direct LTD | Saffery LLP |
Barnet Council | Institute of Development Studies | Saga Group |
Barratt Developments PLC | Intellectual Property Office | Sage Group PLC |
Bartlett Mitchell LTD | InterContinental Hotels Group | Sainsbury's |
BASF PLC | Interface | Salesforce UK LTD |
Basildon Borough Council | International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) | Samaritans |
Basildon SidebySide | International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc | Santander UK |
Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council | Invesco PLC | Savers Health & Beauty |
Basingstoke College of Technology | Investec PLC | Savills Investment Management |
Bates Wells | Involved Solutions | Savills UK LTD |
Bauer Media Group UK | IPS Group | SBFM Group LTD |
BaxterStorey Limited | Ipsos MORI | SCC Plc |
BCL Consultancy LTD | IRIS Software Group | Schroders |
BCS Consulting | Irwin Mitchell | schuh |
BDO LLP | Isle of Ely Primary school | Science in Sport PLC |
Beazley Group | Isos Partnership | ScotRail |
Bedfordshire Police | ISS UK | Scott Dunn |
Belfast City Council | ITN | Scottish Athletics LTD |
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust | J.P. Morgan | Scottish Equity Partners LLP |
Bell Phillips Architects | Jacobs | Scottish Government |
Bentley Motors LTD | Jaguar Land Rover | Scottish Qualifications Authority |
Berkeley Group | James Andrews Recruitment Solutions | Scottish Water Business Stream |
Big Yellow Group PLC | Janus Henderson Investors | Scriberia LTD |
Birkin Cleaning Services Limited | Jigsaw Systems LTD | Searcys Tansley |
Birmingham City Council | JLL | Secure Workforce |
Birmingham Community Health Care Foundation Trust | JN Bank UK | Securitas Security Services UK |
Black Country Consortium LTD | JTI | Sedgwick International UK |
BlackRock | Just Group PLC | Seetec Business Technology Centre LTD |
Blake Morgan LLP | Juul Labs | SEGRO |
BLM LLP | K&T Heating | Sellafield LTD |
Bloomberg | Kainos Group PLC | Sellick Partnership Group LTD |
BMG | Kaluza | Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament |
BMS Group | Keltbray | Serco |
BMW (UK) LTD | Kent Police | SERT Workforce Solutions (part of SERT Group Limited) |
BMW Financial Services (GB) LTD | Kents Hill Park All-through School | Service Management Group LTD |
BNP Paribas Personal Finance | Keystream Group LTD | Seven Investment Management LLP |
BNP Paribas UK CIB | KFC UK & Ireland | Severn Trent |
Boden | Khandokar & Co LTD | SGN |
Bond | Klöckner Pentaplast | Shakespeare Martineau LLP |
Bonhill Media LTD | Knight Frank | Shawbrook Bank |
Boots UK | Konica Minolta | Sheffield City Trust |
Bourne Leisure | KPMG | Sheffield United Community Foundation |
Bouygues Construction UK | La Fontaine Academy | Shell UK |
boxxe Limited | Labour Relations Agency | Shoosmiths LLP |
Boyden Executive Search | Laing O'Rourke | SHS Group LTD |
BPDTS LTD | Lambeth Council | Sia Partners |
Bramwith Consulting | Landmark Mortgages LTD | Siemens UK & Ireland |
Brand Advance | LandQ Group | Sight & Sound Security |
BRE | landsec | Sir Robert McAlpine |
Brewin Dolphin | Lane Clark & Peacock LLP | Skanska UK |
Bridgewater Community Health Care Foundation Trust | Lanes Group | Skills Development Scotland |
Brighton & Hove City Council | Langley Search & Interim | Skipton Building Society |
Brighton and Hove Food Partnership | Laurus Trust | Sky |
Bristol Airport | Leaders in Sport | SkyBlue Solutions |
Brit Insurance | Leeds Art University | Skyscanner |
British Airways | Leeds Building Society | Slaughter & May |
British American Tobacco | Legal & General Group PLC | SLR Consulting |
British Army | Legal Services Board | Smart Solutions |
British Business Bank | Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance | SMBC Bank International PLC |
British Film Institute (BFI) | Leicestershire County Council | SMS PLC |
British International Investment | Leicestershire Police | Social Enterprise UK |
British Land | Leidos UK | Social Work England |
British Medical Association | Lendlease Europe LTD | Societe Generale |
British Psychological Society | Lewisham Homes | Sodexo UK & Ireland |
British Transport Police | LexisNexis Legal & Professional | Softcat PLC |
Brooks Macdonald | LexisNexis Risk Solutions | Solenis |
Browne Jacobson LLP | Liberal Democrats | Sopra Steria |
Brown-Forman UK | Liberty Academy Trust | South Yorkshire Community Foundation |
Bruin | Liberty IT | Southend City Council |
BT | Lidl GB | Sovereign Housing Association |
Bupa Global & UK | LifeSearch | Sparta Global LTD |
Burges Salmon | Lighthouse Ireland | Specialist Care Team |
Buro Happold Engineering | Lilian Baylis Technology School | Spectrum.Life |
Business 2 Business (UK) LTD | Lincolnshire Co-operative | Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC |
Business Disability Forum | Spirit Energy | |
Business in the Community (BITC) | Linklaters | Sport England |
Cabinet Office (CO) | Little Dot Studios | Sport Wales |
Cadence Partners | LiveWest Homes LTD | Sports Chaplaincy UK |
Cadent | Lloyds Banking Group | Squarcle Consulting LTD |
CALA Group LTD | Lloyd's of London | S-RM |
Calderdale Council | Lloyds Register | SSCL |
Cambridge SU | LLW Repository LTD | SSE |
Cambridgeshire Constabulary | Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government | St Christopher's |
Canada Life LTD | London Borough of Barking & Dagenham | St James's Place Wealth Management |
CAPCO | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham | St Michael's V.A. Junior School |
Capgemini UK | London Borough of Havering | St Mungo's |
Capita | London Borough of Newham | St Ursula's Convent School |
Capital Home Loans LTD | London Borough of Tower Hamlets | Standard Chartered |
Capital Law LTD | London Fire Brigade | Stantec UK LTD |
Capital One UK | London Legacy Development Corporation | StepChange |
Capsticks Solicitors LLP | London Museum | Stephenson Harwood |
Cardiff Business School | London North Eastern Railway (LNER) | Sticky |
Cardiff Council | London North West University NHS Trust | Stockport Homes Group |
Care Inspectorate | London South Bank University | Stoke-on-Trent City Council |
Care Quality Commission | London Stock Exchange Group | StreetGames |
Carpenters Group | L'Oreal UK & Ireland | Suma Foods |
Carpmaels & Ransford LLP | Loungers PLC | Superdrug Stores PLC |
CBRE UK LTD | LV = General Insurance | Sure Maintenance |
CC33 FS Limited | LV= | Sureserve Compliance Central Limited |
CDS Co-operatives | Lyndon Goode Architects | Sureserve Fire & Electrical |
Cellnex UK | M&G PLC | Sureserve Group PLC |
Central England Co-operative | M&S Bank | Surrey Police |
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) | M2A Media | Sussex Police |
CentrePoint | Mace | Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming |
Centrica PLC | Magnox LTD | Suzie Walker Executive Search |
CGI | Magpas Air Ambulance | Swan Housing Association |
Channel 4 | Make-A-Wish UK | Swansea Building Society |
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment | Man Group PLC | T. Rowe Price International LTD |
Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) | Marks & Spencer | Talbot Underwriting LTD |
Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) | Marlborough Communications LTD | TalkTalk Telecom Group PLC |
Chaucer | Mars UK | Tarmac PLC |
Checkout.com | Marsh McLennan | Tata Consultancy Services |
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | Marston's PLC | Tate |
Chemonics UK | Mason Advisory | Tavistock College |
CHEP UK | Maximus UK | Taylor Bennett Foundation |
Cherith Simmons Learning & Development LLP | Mayer Brown | TD SYNNEX UK Ltd |
Children 1st | Mazars | Teach First |
CHL Mortgages for Intermediaries LTD | MBDA UK Limited | Tecknuovo LTD |
Choice Support | Mc&T | Teesside University |
Christie's | McCann Ltd | Telecom Plus PLC |
Chubb | McDonald's Restaurants LTD | Templeton & Partners |
Churchill Hui LTD | MCFT | Teneo |
Cisco | Medicine & Healthcare Regulatory Authority | Thales UK |
Citi UK | Melrose Education LTD | Thalia Waste Management |
Citizens Advice Sheffield & Law Centre | Mental Health at Work | Thames Valley Police |
City & Essex LTD | Mental Health First Aid England | Thames Water Utilities LTD |
City & Guilds Group | Mental Health Foundation | The AA |
City of London Corporation | Mercat Tours Ltd | The Barnet Group |
CityFibre | Mercator IT Solutions LTD | The British Library |
Civil Service | Mercedes-Benz Financial Services LTD | The Business of Fashion |
CK Group | Methods | The Charterhouse |
Cleanbrite (UK) LTD | Methods Analytics LTD | The Christie NHS Foundation Trust |
Clive Henry Group | MetLife | The Collective |
Close Brothers Group | Metro Bank | The Co-operative |
Clover Hill V.A. Infant & Nursery School | Metropolitan Police Service | The Co-operative Bank |
CMS | Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing | The Crown Estate |
Cobham Mission Systems Wimborne LTD | MHA | The Edge Picture Company |
Coefficient Systems Ltd | MI5 | The Elm Foundation |
Colas UK | MI6 | The Faith & Belief Forum |
Coleg y Cymoedd | Middlesbrough College Group | The Gate London |
Colliers International Property Consultants Limited | Middlesbrough Council | The Gateway Learning Community Trust |
Colt Technology Services | Middlesex University | The General Optical Council |
Community Gateway Association | Miller Insurance Services LLP | The Good Shepherd Trust |
Community Union | Mills & Reeve Solicitors | The Growth Company |
Companies House | Milton Keynes College | The Gym Group |
Compare the Market | Mindset Mental Health LTD | The Hepatitis C Trust |
Compass Group | MINI UK | The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |
Compassion in World Farming | Ministry of Defence (MOD) | The Hinckley School |
Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) | Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government | The Holy Cross School |
Computacenter | Ministry of Justice (MOJ) | The Insolvency Service |
Confederation of British Industry (CBI) | M-Integrated Solutions PLC | The Institute of Government & Public Policy |
Consilio | Mitcham Belle Coaches | The Investment Association |
Content + Cloud | Mitie Group PLC | The Kite Trust |
Cooley LLP | Mizuho Corporate Bank | The Legal Ombudsman |
CorEnergy | Moat Homes LTD | The London Clinic |
Corps Security (UK) Ltd | Models One LTD | The Maine Group |
Costain Group | MoneySuperMarket Group | The Midcounties Co-operative |
Coutts | Montagu Evans | The MPA |
Covea Insurance | Morgan Sindall Infrastructure LTD | The National Lottery Community Fund |
Coventry Building Society | Morgan Stanley International | The New Foscote Hospital |
Coventry City Council | Morson Group LTD | The Next Chosen Generation CiC |
CPC Project Services LLP | Moto Hospitality LTD | The North East Combined Authority |
CPRE The countryside charity | Motorola Solutions UK | The People's Energy Company |
Cranswick plc | Mott MacDonald Group | The Prince's Trust |
Credas Technologies LTD | Mouldex LTD | The Prince's Trust International |
Credera | Mourant | The Royal Society |
Credit Suisse | MTR Elizabeth Line | The RSA |
Croner Group LTD | MUFG Mitsubishi Bank | The Shared Learning Trust |
Crossroads Together | Mulberry Academy Shoreditch | The Southern Co-operative |
Crown Commercial Service | Murgitroyd & Company LTD | The Sovini Group |
Crown Prosecution Service | Nando's UK & Ireland | The Stylist Group LTD |
Currys PLC | NatCen Social Research | The Telegraph |
Cynnal Cymru / Sustain Wales | National Audit Office | The Tutu Foundation |
Danske Bank | National Crime Agency (NCA) | The Watches of Switzerland Group |
Darling Associates LTD | National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTI) | The Weir Group PLC |
DAS UK Group | National Emergencies Trust | The West Bromwich Building Society |
Dassault Systemes UK LTD | National Farmers Union Mutual (NFU Mutual) | The7stars |
David Chipperfield Architects | National Grid | TheCityUK |
DCUK FM | National Health Service (NHS) | ThoughtWorks |
Delaware North UK | National House Building Council | Thriving Life Company |
Deloitte LLP | National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) | Tideway |
Dentons UK, Ireland and Middle East | National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) | Together |
Dentsu Aegis Network | National Physical Laboratory (NPL) | Translink |
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | National Police Chiefs Council | Transparency International UK |
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) | National Savings & Investments (NSI) | TransUnion |
Department for Education (DfE) | Nationwide | Trilogy Real Estate LLP |
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) | Natixis | Trust Payments |
Department for Health & Social Care (DHSC) | NATS | TSB Bank PLC |
Department for International Trade (DIT) | NatWest Group | TSG Building Services PLC |
Department for Transport (DfT) | Nestle UK & Ireland | TUI UK |
Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) | Network Rail | Uber |
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | New Look Retail Group LTD | UBS |
Design & Analysis Ltd. | Newable LTD | UK Athletics LTD |
Deutsche Bank | Newcastle Building Society | UK Export Finance |
DG Partners/BH-DG Systematic Trading | News UK | UK Finance |
DHL Supply Chain UK & Ireland | Newstead Wood School | UK Government Investments |
Diageo | Next PLC | UK Greetings LTD |
Dimensions | Nexus | Ultima Business Solutions |
Direct Line Group | NHS Business Services Authority | Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield |
DLA Piper UK | NHS Coventry & Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group | Unicard LTD |
Docklands Creative LTD | NHS England | Unilever UK LTD |
Dott | NHS North East London Commissioning Support Unit | Unite Students |
Dounreay Site Restoration LTD | NHS Property Services LTD | United Culture |
Dowds Group | NHS Resolution | United Learning |
Dr Zigs | NHS Salford CCG | United Utilities |
Draken Europe | NHS Shared Business Services | Unitemp limited. |
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council | NHS Suffolk & North East Essex ICB | Unity Trust Bank PLC |
Dunelm | Nickelodeon | Universal Fabrications (Coventry) Ltd |
DWF Law | Nomura International | University of Bristol |
Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water | Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust | University of Edinburgh |
Dynamic Group | Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | University of Huddersfield |
E.ON UK | North East Ambulance Service | University of Hull |
East & North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group | North Lanarkshire Council | University of Leeds |
East Midlands Railway | North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust | University of St Andrews |
easyJet PLC | North Star Housing Group | University of Warwick |
eBay UK | North West Ambulance Service | Unruly Group LTD |
EDF Energy | North West Regional College | Unum |
Eigen Technologies | Northamptonshire Children’s Trust | V.I.A |
Electoral Commission | Northern Care Alliance NHS (Salford & Pennine Acute Hospitals) | Valuation Office Agency |
Electricity North West LTD | Northern Gas Networks | Vanguard Group |
Elim Housing Association | Northern Ireland Civil Service | Vaultex UK LTD |
EllisKnight International Recruitment | Northern Ireland Office | Vertex Pharmaceuticals |
Elsevier B.V. | Northern Trust | Victim Support & Witness Service |
EMCOR UK | Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | Victoria & Albert Museum |
Emerald Publishing | Northumbrian Water LTD | Virgin Atlantic |
England Athletics | Norton Rose Fulbright | Virgin Care |
England Sports Group | Nottingham City Council | Virgin Limited Edition |
Ennismore | Nottingham City Homes | Virgin Management |
Enterprise Rent-A-Car | Nottingham Community Housing Association | Virgin Money |
Environment Agency | Nottinghamshire County Council | Virgin Red |
Equal Experts UK LTD | Nottinghamshire Police | Vitality |
EQUANS UK & Ireland | Novuna | VIVID Housing LTD |
Equifax LTD | Novus Property Solutions | Vodafone UK |
Erevena | NPTC Group of Colleges | VVB Engineering LTD |
Ergomonkey Ltd | NTT DATA | Waddesdon CE School |
ERM Group LTD | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority | Wagamama |
ESNEFT | Nuclear Transport Solutions | Wakefield & District Housing |
Essentra PLC | O2 (Telefónica UK) | Waltham Forest College |
Essex County Fire & Rescue Service | Occam Group Ltd. | Watson Farley & Williams LLP |
Essex Police | OCS UK & I | We are Just |
E-Synergy LTD | Octavia Housing | Weightmans LLP |
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) | Odeon & UCI Cinemas Group LTD | Wellcome Trust |
EVCOM | Odgers Berndtson | Wells Fargo |
Evelina Hospital School | Ofcom | Wesleyan Assurance Society |
Eversheds Sutherland | Office for National Statistics (ONS) | Wessex Water |
Everwarm | Office of the Advocate General for Scotland | West Dunbartonshire Council |
Evolve Housing + Support | Ofqual | West Midlands Police |
Experian | Oil & Gas Authority | West Yorkshire Police |
EY | OLIVER Agency | Westinghouse Electric Company UK |
F1 Recruitment LTD | Oliver Wyman | Westminster City Council |
FactSet Europe Ltd | Omni RMS | WHG |
Fair Oaks Capital | Omnicom Media Group UK | Whistl UK LTD |
Family Action | One Manchester | Whitbread PLC |
Family Assurance Friendly Society | One YMCA | Whitetree |
Farley Hill Primary School | Onside North West | WHSmith PLC |
FCO Services | Oodle Finance | Wickes Group PLC |
FCS Laser Mail | Orbit Group LTD | WildHearts Group |
FDM Group | Osborne Clarke LLP | William Grant & Sons Distillers LTD |
FE fundinfo | Osler Diagnostics | Wilmington PLC |
Federated Hermes | Ovo Energy | Wipro LTD |
Fidelity International | Oxfam GB | WJ Group |
Field Studies Council (FSC) | Oxford Instruments Plc | WM Morrisons PLC |
Fife College | OxfordHR | Wokingham Borough Council |
Financial Conduct Authority | PA Consulting Group | Wolverhampton City Council |
Financial Ombudsman Service | PA Media Group | Woodrow Mercer Healthcare |
Financial Reporting Council | PageGroup | Woolcool |
Financial Services Compensation Scheme | Palace for Life Foundation | Worcestershire County Council |
Financial Times | Palladium | Worldline |
First Mile | PAM Wellbeing | WPP PLC |
Fitch Group | Pan Macmillan | WSP |
Five Point Recruitment | Paragon Banking Group PLC | Wye Valley NHS Trust |
Florence | Paramount Global | XPS Pensions Group |
FNZ UK | Paul J Watson Solicitor | YMCA North Staffordshire |
Food Standards Agency | Pay.UK | YMCA St Paul's Group |
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) | Pearson PLC | Yorkshire Building Society |
Forest Holidays | Peninsula Business Services LTD | Young Epilepsy & St Piers |
Fortel Group | Pension Protection Fund | Your Homes Newcastle |
Fortnum & Mason | PensionBee | Youth Futures Foundation |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | PepsiCo UK & Ireland | YSC Consulting |
Freesat LTD | Pertemps LTD | Yunex Traffic |
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP | Pets at Home Group PLC | Zoological Society of London |
Fujitsu | Pfizer | Zurich Insurance UK |
Future Industrial Services LTD | Phoenix Group | |
Galliard Homes LTD | Phoenix Software LTD |