Diversity Objectives And Performance Appraisal
Transparent standards and consistent assessment against standards must be fundamental to a fair performance appraisal system. Diversity objectives should be allocated to all employees in an organisation with line management responsibilities. The Diversity Objectives And Performance Appraisal Toolkit offers guidance on implementing diversity objectives through an existing or new appraisal process. The guidelines ensure that fairness in performance appraisal and the setting of diversity objectives are consistently applied across an organisation. This is done by outlining key objectives, setting best practice standards and communicating competencies and performance level standards. This toolkit supports action four of the Race At Work Charter: Make clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers.
The Race at Work Charter contains seven calls to action*.
- Appoint an executive sponsor for race.
- Capture ethnicity data and publicise progress.
- Commit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying.
- Making equality in the workplace the responsibility of all leaders and managers.
- Take action that supports ethnic minority career progression.
- Support inclusion allies in the workplace
- Include Black, Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse-led enterprise owners in supply chains
In October 2018 Business in the Community (BITC), launched the Race at Work Charter, an initiative designed to improve outcomes for black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) employees in the UK. The Charter builds on the work of the 2017 McGregor-Smith Review, Race in the workplace, which found people from BAME backgrounds were underemployed, underpromoted and under-represented at senior levels.
This toolkit supports employers to ensure policies and actions result in a fairer distribution of appraisal markings across all demographic groups in the workplace.
As a minimum standard, all employees with management responsibilities should have diversity-related objectives. However, all individuals in teams could benefit from diversity objectives to increase their own knowledge and understanding of employees from diverse cultural heritages, appreciate differences and take action to promote inclusion within their teams.
* In October 2021 two additional commitments were added to the Race at Work Charter: Support race inclusion allies in the workplace and; Include Black, Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse-led enterprise owners in supply chains. Find out more about the Race at Work Charter.
Business in the Community is creating a
skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow.