Mid-life Career Reviews – a guide for line managers
This Business in the Community (BITC) toolkit, how to conduct mid-life career reviews – a guide for line managers will help line managers implement and manage a mid-life career review for older workers.
The toolkit, aims to help bring older employees on an equal footing with their younger colleagues.
What is a mid-life career review?
This type of review is not a performance review or an appraisal. It is a broader conversation about work, aspirations and challenges, now and in the future. It is an essential step in understanding the needs, interests and aspirations of older workers; helping to maintain high employee engagement and productivity across all age groups. It can also support the engagement and wellbeing of employees and with the right outcomes, keep them in work and productive for longer.
These reviews aim to help bring older employees on an equal footing with their younger colleagues. It is a broader conversation about work, aspirations and challenges, now and in the future. It is an important step in understanding the needs, interests and aspirations of older workers; helping to maintain high employee engagement and productivity across all age groups.
Further reading and resources
View and download the other toolkit in this series.
How to Deliver Mid-Life Career Reviews: A Human Resources Guide
How to Deliver Mid-Life Career Reviews: A Human Resources Guide is a toolkit for implementing and managing a mid-life career review for older workers.
BITC has produced a wide range of other toolkits and factsheets designed to help organisations retain, retrain and recruit older workers. These include The Mid-Life MOT: Getting Started toolkit and the Look, Listen, Act: Getting Started on Age toolkit.
Find out more about BITC’S Age agenda.
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